- [亿金快讯]香港晶体发展历程2023年08月16日 09:07
1983年,李锦雄主席成立了母公司科研工业器材有限公司(Kolinker Industrial Equipments Ltd. ),业务集中在李锦雄先生的专长: 电子科技-石英晶体行业专用的仪器设备之设计及生产。 本公司的宗旨是: 作为各种最高科技的核心,将这些技术连接到特定的行业,这是Core-Linker, 就是Kolinker。
其后于1989年,李锦雄先生在国内投资设立集团的第一家石英晶体制造厂,并于1991年在香港成立集团旗下的「香港晶体有限公司」, 创造「香港晶体」的品牌。 自此科研集团的石英晶体产量不断扩大,逐步在中国各地设厂,包括: 山东、青岛、深圳、福建。 在同一时间,「科研」仍然维持老本行集中石英测试仪器的生产,「科研」可说是全球极少数生产高质量石英晶体而又同时掌握石英仪器设备的公司。 位于深圳的「香港晶体有限公司」厂房更是首家荣获 QS9000 所认可的中国本地晶体工厂,及全球首几间获得 TS16949认可的晶体生产厂家。 这些证书确定集团所提供的零件,是符合汽车工业的高度安全性及可靠性标准;而在汽车安全系统元器件制造上更早已达世界水平。 除汽车工业外,集团所提供产品亦应用在多方面,包括:网络、通讯、工业及消费民用电子产品等。
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- [行业新闻]NIHON DEMPA KOGYO CO., LTD.2023年08月11日 09:22
- NDK was founded in 1948 as a vehicle for contributing to theprosperity of society and world peace through our service tocustomers.That philosophy is founded on a belief that providing reliable, high-quality, attractive products at an appropriate pricecan be useful to customers and can, by extension, help societyprosper.Moreover, the founder believed that enhancingcommunication among people through accurate informationwould promote international understanding as a cornerstone oflasting peace.This belief was generated by the founder,Masamichi Takeuchi, from his experiences of the war.Today, we apply this founding philosophy in every facet of our business, and hold an annual commemorative event where all employees gather to share and reaffirm our devotion to this founding philosophy.
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- [技术支持]SIWARD Crystal Technology Co., Ltd.2023年08月10日 08:51
希华晶体科技成立于1988年,专精于石英频率控制元件之研发、设计、生产与销售。从人工晶棒长成到最终产品,透过最佳团队组合及先进之生产技术,建立完整产品线,包含人工水晶、石英晶片、SAW WAFER,以及石英晶体、晶体振荡器、晶体滤波器、温度补偿型及电压控制型产品等,以健全的供应链系统,为客户提供全方位的服务。
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- [行业新闻]AKER TECHNOLOGY CO ., LTD.2023年08月09日 10:55
Founded in 1990, Aker is a global high-tech company that designs and manufactures wide ranges of frequency control solutions. With technology oriented headquarters based in Taiwan, we provide instant service through our worldwide branches and distribution networks to meet customer satisfaction. Caring about customers' demands, Aker understands the market requirements, enabling it to provide customers overall technical supports – Total Solution.
Business Integrity, professional service and quality first are the core values of Aker.
With unique technology, we are always prepared to research and develop innovation where needed. Aside from these great innovative capabilities, Aker strives to be flexible and focused on service, responding quickly and professionally, helping customers innovate and grow their business.
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- 2节能单片机专用音叉晶体ABS07-120-32.768KHZ-T
- 3可编程晶振CPPC7L-A7BR-28.63636TS适用于驱动模数转换器
- 4汽车氛围灯控制器晶振E1SJA18-28.63636M TR
- 5京瓷陶瓷晶振原厂编码曝光CX3225GB16000D0HPQCC适合于数字家电
- 6SMD-49晶振1AJ240006AEA专用于车载控制器应用
- 7ECS-3225MV-250-BN-TR晶体振荡器是LoRa WAN的理想选择
- 8ECS-TXO-20CSMV-260-AY-TR非常适合稳定性至关重要的便携式无线应用
- 9LVDS振荡器ECX-L33CN-125.000-TR提供频率可配置性及多种包装尺寸
- 10ECS-240-18-33-JEN-TR3非常适合电路板空间至关重要的应用