- [行业新闻]CX3225GB32000D0HEQZ1京瓷晶振获得国际环保认证的理由2019年10月23日 11:20
- 京瓷株式会社为了人类和社会的进步与发展以独创性和高品质,不断创造新价值晶振,京瓷晶振早已获得ISO9001国际质量管理体系认证.京瓷石英晶振均采用无铅环保材料生产, 并且获得国际ISO14001环保认证.京瓷提供消费级应用晶振-20~+70℃,工业级温度可达-40~+85℃范围,以及车规级工作温度在-55~+125℃范围,为用户在不同领域使用提供多种选择.
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- [行业新闻]KYOCERAcrystal设定的2030年度环境目标获得SBT认定2019年08月03日 09:12
京瓷株式会社宣布,所设定的2030年度环境目标中,温室气体减排目标获得了科学减碳倡议组织的"SBT(Science Based Targets)"的认定.
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- [行业新闻]京瓷石英晶体制造工艺(英文版)2019年02月22日 16:13
Quartz Crystal Units Manufacturing Process
Synthetic Crystal
This is a product made by fusing Lasca and growing a seed quartz crystal under high temperature and high pressure condition (at 350?C: and 1,000 atmospheric pressure in a container called synthetic crystal growing furnace (Autoclave) filled with alkaline solution. It usually requires 40 to 90 days to grow.
Grind axial plane of X, Y and Z of synthetic quartz crystal to define crystal axes.
Cut the synthetic quartz crystal at the prescribed cut angle. The frequency temperature characteristics will be determined by the angle.
DimensioningCut & lap a block to make wafers
Precision LappingLap quartz crystal (cut at wafer cutting process) to the extent of the prescribed thickness. Lap the quartz crystal to the extent of the prescribed frequency.
DimensioningAfter pasting together the thickness lapped quartz crystal, process them to the prescribed dimensions.
Lap edges of each piece of crystal blank so as to bring the vibration to the center area. (Generally, applied to the quartz crystal whose frequency is less than 10 MHz.)
CleaningRemove the processed layer during the lapping process chemically, boost the frequency accuracy simultaneously and wash the chemical solution later.
Electrode Base Plating•Assembly
Put the washed quartz crystal blank in evaporation mask and form silver electrode in high vacuum chamber. Then the quartz crystal blank is mounted on a holder and fixed by conductive adhesive.
Frequency Adjustment•Sealing
Adjust the frequency of the assembled quartz crystal blank to the target frequency in high vacuum. To prevent the deterioration of the etching characteristics, the cap is sealed in the nitrogen or in the vacuum.
Final Inspection
Inspect the characteristics of hermeticness, insulation,frequency characteristics, impedance, etc.
京瓷的第一个字母“K”环起了陶瓷晶振这一英文的第一个字母“C”,它由象征追求更广阔的领域,展翅面向未来的企业商标和企业标识构成.1982年10月,公司由“京都陶瓷株式会社”变更为“京瓷株式会社”之际,便开始启用这一标识.作为象征性标记的颜色,选择了富有热情和挑战意味的红色.- 阅读(173)
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