What sets us apart is the Transko Advantage -Our quick tumn delivery capability. This allowsus to supply products in as little as 72 hourswhile our highly motivated sales staff providesexceptional pricing and solutions to yourfrequency control requirements. By combiningthe knowledge and extensive background ofour exceptional staff we are able to address andcustomize your specific project or design needs.The team-oriented environment and efficientproduction staff of Transko continuously leavesour customers satisfied and enables us toprovide the best support available.
Transko Electronics, Inc. is aleading IsO 9001:2008 certifiedmanufacturer of frequency con-trol products for the electronicsindustry. Our mission is toprovide COMPETITIVELYpriced, HIGH QUALITY productswith the FASTEST possible delivery throughour dedication to continuous improvement.Building long-term relationships by providinghighly personalized service strengthens ourcommitment to customer satisfaction.